Get Involved

While Milk Not Jails is no longer actively organizing, our former members continue to work with and be inspired by other campaigns and organizations struggling to end mass incarceration and build a healthy urban-rural dynamic in the United States. Additionally, all of the farms we worked with continue to grow food and need shoppers like you! Below is a list of groups you can connect with to join the mooovement today:

Support Our Farmers

Advocate for Prison Justice Reform in New York State:

Make Art for the Mooovement in NYC:

Advocate for Rural America:

Support Creative Prison Abolitionist Groups Across the U.S.:

Join Nationwide Progressive Organizations:

Please contact us if there are other organizations doing social justice work you think we should include on this list.


2 Responses to “Get Involved”

  1. 1 Judith

    The food coop to which I belong in Albany NY purchases a majority of its dairy products from farmers w/i 100 miles. In fact all of our purchases make local a priority. There are “Local” labels indicating all such products. If it would help, I can provide the names of the local dairy farmers. I can also send your fact sheet to our buyers, and submit an article to our monthly newsletter.

  2. 2 Carlos Rosad jr

    I am totally involved. I am a peson with a felony history and was just released from NYSDOCS after serviing nearly 13 years of a 16 year sentence. throughout that timespan i enrolled in the Bard Prison Initiative (BPI) and completed my BA in social studies with a focus on environmental studies. within that scope I particulalry focused on food, agriculture. i completed my degree from Bard by doing a senior research project on food and penality and the sociology around such an issue in the Hudson Valley, in particular within the NYS DOCS.

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